I'm back. Well for now anyways. It's been ages and I am sorry but I am going to explain. Firstly we have not had Internet since Sept, So sadly this blog got left behind.
I also have had no inspiration to post, Or what to even post! I am not doing too well. I am struggling but don't really know why! I have no explanation for how I am feeling. Nothing has happened that's really bad. I got sick for 3 weeks and it started then. I just feel tired all the time. Maybe it is because it is now darker in the evenings, The weather is colder and wet, It's dark when I come out of work. I love winter for the fact it's Halloween and Christmas but I also struggle with the lack of sunshine.
I am also having trouble with my hair, it is falling out in handfuls. And I don't know why, It is also dry and this is making me a bit down too. My hair is probably my favourite part about my body and I am worried.
I promise to be back soon, I am going to get some inspiration and hopefully come back with some posts soon.